live, learn, invest,                 delight in arts and culture


Youth and Young Adults
Particularly we see the importance of developing the appropriate services for youth and young adults in order to maintain a rejuvenated spirit in Belfast that will contribute to the economic success of Belfast as it grows sustainably. As opportunities arise the BCDC will also be active in the rehabilitation of residential and commercial properties.

Our Purpose and Premises

Goal: To forge an effective and efficient privately owned organization committed to a sustainable community development of  Belfast.

Based on 6 premises:
1. Bringing recognition and value to Belfast on the state, national and international level.
Our rule of thumb: Will the media find it worthwhile? So we champion endeavors of real non-local importance, as well as special interests that may not have as much of underlying importance but have impacts on our Belfast brand and visitation
2. Helping Belfast thrive by locally growing solutions that have global application because they meet common large challenges people face everywhere. We can foster sustainable industries that help solve major human problems: be it healthcare, economic, ecological, food
security, transportation or information exchange. We can provide novel solutions to meeting life challenges, and discover and share ways to have competitive advantage in the marketplace.
3. making Belfast robust through more variety and larger numbers of economic actors
4. enhancing the cultural offerings and import of Belfast
5. careful use of the Maine State growth and economic development platform
6. developing an incubating environment that fosters entrepreneurial development and success

Leader in the Knowledge Economy and Sustainable Practice
Places that innovate in the areas of sustainability and managing valuable information will benefit their communities considerably. Belfast has a unique opportunity to do this due to its rich and inherent capacities.


Participant in Global Trade
Belfast has a rich tradition of craftsmanship and an active body of skilled tradesmen, and artisans.  Building on this, we believe Belfast, Maine has even more vibrancy ahead of it.